Software Adoption Tips for Team Members Who Don’t Like Change


6 Simple AP Software Adoption Tips

You know that your new accounts payable automation software will improve your team’s productivity, visibility and increase your cash flow and now, more than ever, companies are committed to moving to the cloud and SaaS solutions.

According to a recent study conducted by Intel Security, In 15 months, 80% of all IT budgets will be committed to cloud apps and solutions.

But software is only good if people use it and let’s face it, for some people, changing how they’ve done something for years can be especially painful.

Companies that successfully implement new SaaS solutions do 6 things really well.

Follow these Simple 6 tips to ensure a successful rollout and implementation.

1. Choose your accounts payable automation software carefully

Base your decision based on your company’s specific needs.

If it’s your goal reduce the cost it takes to process an invoice by 25%, map out the current workflow and determine where the accounts payable automation software will eliminate touch points and reduce costs through the process.

There’s a steep learning curve for some accounts payable systems. Ask about training and implementation. Lack of training and poor implementation can result in team frustration, high abandonment rate, and an unsuccessful project.

Point out what problems the new accounts payable automation software will help solve.

Identify 2-3 immediate needs that the AP automation software will help improve right away.

Consider your audience. Convincing an AP clerk will be different than selling your CEO on a new system. Use real examples that matter and resonate with each of them. Highlight the benefits of the accounts payable automation software, not the features.

2. Invest in Training

When you see that “training” line item on the proposal, make sure you select it. Too often, businesses opt for skipping the training because they want to save a little money.

Training may seem like something that’s not required but in the long run will save you loads of time, help you adhere to best practices and get you up and running much quicker than doing it yourself. Similarly, recognize that learning a new system can take time.

Allow yourself the time to get to know your new accounts payable automation software.

3. Customize Training for Your Team

Learning new software varies greatly depending on the person and role. Some team members can become power users in no time, while others may find the whole process draining and frustrating. Recognize that people learn in different ways and make sure you offer a variety of training options. Clearly communicate training options so your team can choose what works best for them.

Don’t overtrain staff on areas they won’t be handling on a regular basis.

4. Enlist the Help of Influencers

Getting influencers on board right away can speed up adoption rate and reduce the frustration that can occur when a company introduces new software. It’s best to include influencers from a variety of roles or departments.

5. Start Small, Celebrate and Evolve

Take an agile approach to your accounts payable automation. Start with a good foundation that you can build and improve on. Remember to acknowledge team members who are going the extra mile and celebrate small victories along the way.

Start with a good foundation that you can build and improve on.

Remember to acknowledge team members who are going the extra mile and celebrate small victories along the way.

6. Regularly Schedule Team Planning Sessions

While you’re getting things rolled out, it’s crucial to regularly check in to see how things are working for team members. Stock up on plenty of coffee, water or Red Bull so you review how things are working with your accounts payable automation software.

Team work sessions will also make sure that your company’s goals and objectives are clear to everyone on the team.

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